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Level Up

Meet the team of Level up – Kristian, Maia and Rene

Level Up is a recruitment agency and technology company that helps companies find and hire top executives through their innovative recruitment model. Level Up has evolved from an agency business to a networking business, creating a community of people to help move it forward. They also organize workshops to grow this community further. Social media and digital channels make it possible to recruit great employees, which is why Level up believes that social media recruitment marketing is key to finding and connecting the right talent.

What else Level Up believes in:

* We believe in data-driven recruitment and believe that accurate job placement targeting will help us reach the right people.
* We believe in speed because there is never too much time. We help companies choose the right candidates.
* We believe in design and its importance in shaping the application experience.
* We believe in analytics and its importance because it is the only way we can compare results with the past and always improve.
* We also believe that all of our users (human resources professionals, recruiters, entrepreneurs and managers) are at the heart of our service.

How did you find Workland?

BPT (Workland Hobujaama member) was once a customer of ours, and that's how we got to know the Workland concept. We visited the Vabaduse location and then Hobujaama. It seemed like a sign of the times. We were constantly walking past Maakri Center as it was being built and thought how nice a centre this would be. With our small headquarters close by, Maakri seemed to be the right choice for us. Maakri is a very professional-looking environment; we come here to hold customer meetings and workshops. In addition, we sometimes have trainees, and everyone wouldn't be able to work together at our headquarters so we can work here instead.

It's cool to have the opportunity to work in other Workland locations across the Baltics. For example, we could organize some of our events in the Workland centre in Latvia! Besides, Workland hosts community events, training, and a Christmas party (which was great!).

Why Workland Maakri?

We love that Workland supports and helps with getting things done – for example when there are big meetings, client meetings or workshops coming up. Our favourite is a large meeting room, with a capacity of 12. This space is so inspiring and well-designed. It's probably the main reason we chose Maakri Center. This whole hub has such a positive impact on both our customers and us. We have received many positive comments about it. Plus, of course, here is the best coffee, and an especially cool bunch of people!

What are three words that describe your experience at Workland?

"Modern, cosy, friendly and of course, COFFEE! If anyone said Workland, I'd say coffee" comments Kristian.

What kind of businesses would you encourage to move into Workland?

Smaller kinds of companies. Freelancers, more open-minded businesses that are ready to network and forge new connections.

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Workland Hobujaama

KXR Architects

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Workland Maakri 25


There are many reasons why one company might need a short term office. Whether it’s about starting a new project that lasts for a few months only or being in a state of rapid growth so it’s difficult to predict how big an office one will need in 6 or 12 months. It can be simply a temporary space while the original is getting a makeover, or perhaps you are in between offices, the lease is ending in one, and the new office is not yet ready. The latter was the case for Mindvalley.

Laura Viilep

Workland Vabaduse