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Coworking beats working from home


March 27th, 2019


Working from home has its benefits, from saving time to having the most flexibility in merging obligations and joys of work and family. Still, some remote workers prefer coworking spaces to home offices or coffee shops. Why?


Increased productivity

Everyone who has worked from home has been in the situation where family and home chores take over. Coworking spaces with hot desks, dedicated desks and private offices are designed to help people to focus. Quiet work areas let you concentrate on the tasks at hand – no distractions from kids running around the house or the background noises of your favorite coffeehouse. As members of coworking spaces tend to be goal-oriented with a “getting things done” attitude, it’s only natural that seeing other people keeping their focus also inspires us to do the same.

According to research by Deskmag and Deskwanted, 74% of coworkers consider themselves more productive since they started working in a coworking space. The same study revealed that 85% of coworkers have a larger business network, 9 out of 10 have a bigger social network, two-thirds feel more creative and collaborate on projects, and one-third report an increase in income.

"74% of coworkers consider themselves more productive since they started working in a coworking space".

Widening your network

We all know networking can be a challenge. Coworking establishments are designed for communication and experience sharing between its members. You never know what kind of important connections you might make during your coworking time – you could meet someone to help out with your marketing strategy or test your product – or perhaps a new business partner?

Maxim Donchenko, one of Workland Hobujaama’s members, says networking at Workland isn’t just about exchanging business cards. “Since we have a common kitchen and facilities, we have the opportunity to chit-chat, drink coffee together, help each other with a variety of issues, and share our knowledge. Basically, it’s networking taken to the next level,” he adds.

So, keep an open mind while you’re on your coffee break and introducing yourself to the community – you never know where those connections might elevate your business. Being a member of coworking space is without a doubt one of the easiest ways to expand your network. For small businesses and freelancers, coworking could easily turn into joint projects or new client relationships.


Being part of a community

Being your own boss and working solo might leave you feeling a bit alone as there might be no one to share your ideas, everyday success and tiny challenges. Sharing is one of the basic human needs and a sense of belonging is one of the aspects people working on their own miss the most.

Joining a coworking space could help you feel like you are  part of a community as spaces are usually very active in organizing events for members and supporting networking and cooperation. Every coworking space has its own vibe, which is reflected by the events organized for its members. You just have to find the most suitable one for you.


Home is for family and leisure

Even though working in your pajamas might sound inviting, it’s a good idea to separate work and leisure, at least time to time. Constantly working from home might turn your home into a work environment. Especially if there’s no opportunity to have a separate office space, your couch and dinner table might turn into an office with a few weeks – are other family members OK with that? When choosing a coworking space as a place to take care of your business, home stays home. Time at home is dedicated to leisure, family and friends – as it’s supposed to be.

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